Un Bello Fatto- Studio di Scrittura

About Us

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From the Desk of the Director
Newsletter July, August, September 2008
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The Liturgical Year
Psalm of the Week
Our Gallery of Published Work
La Nostra Galleria di Lavoro Pubblicato- in italiano
"The Life of Jesus For Children: From the Crib to the Cross"
"The Power of Psalms: A Psalm A Day With A Prayer to Say, BOOK I"
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Mr. Anthony J. Gorgia II, Director
Mrs. Mariella J. Gorgia, Executive Secretary

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                                        ABOUT US
     We are a Roman Catholic writing firm, gathered together to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ through our writings and actions. We are headed by our Director, Mr. Anthony J. Gorgia II. We follow the instructions of the Catholic Church, bringing to you educational and religious texts. At the writing firm of "Un Bello Fatto- Studio di Scrittura", we are certain that all of our texts are in union with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Biblical verses that are used in many our texts come straight from the Holy Bible found on the website of The Holy See, of the Vatican.
     All of our texts are previously edited by one of our "Un Bello Fatto" associates. We are also proud to state that in our books regarding Jesus' Life, we do not include chapters. We feel that no man on earth can say where the emotions of Christ's life begins and ends. We believe that the Love of Jesus is divine, and each of His actions upon earth during His Life were filled with such emotions. In this way, our whole book is one, flowing from each event in chronological order.
     As our motto states, "We call ourselves 'Un Bello Fatto' because each of our work is 'A Beautiful Make.'" We, as a whole, can say this with pride because each of our work is inspired through the Holy Spirit. We are simple candles, just waiting for the Holy Spirit to ignite our hearts with the fire of His love. We hope that you enjoy all our pieces, and be filled with the burning love of Christ Jesus.

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Un Bello Fatto- Studio di Scrittura •  718-966-9886 •  Mr. Anthony J. Gorgia II, Director